Saturday, September 6, 2008

Time for a Change.....

I have spent the majority of the last month surviving skirmishes with my wonderful Radishes. I really do try to be therapeutic with them. But I must also be honest and admit that isn't always the case.

Obama and McCain have both latched on to this idea of "Change" Brilliant concept that it is. If you don't like your outfit, change it. If you don't like your shoes, change them. If you don't like your shampoo, change it....I need to remind myself...I can do the same with my negative attitude and my negative feelings. I don't have to stay as I am just because that is how it has always been. Doesn't that sound easy...

It feels much harder to do than doing this. But is it really? Is it really harder than just merely choosing not to make the comment, not to entertain the it really harder than just being a better wife, better mother, better employee, a better human. I am going to be a movie quoting problem soon! but in the movie "Peaceful Warrior" there is this brilliant quote.....(paraphrasing here) There is not start or finish....there is just doing.... Just choosing to change the negative this or that is what I am choosing to do....I am doing it...I am not going to start or finish...I am merely going to do it....

I wish I could find a successful way to teach my children this lesson. They are so fixated on "starting to be good" or "stopping the tantrums".....I find myself quoting the movie here too....Don't say you are going to start or stop....JUST DO IT! I find that this is such a hard lesson to teach them. But I feel that this is an important lesson for them to learn...If they don't learn this lesson....they will be spending their entire lives accomplishing NOTHING.....Never experiencing the most important gift we have....LIFE!

Hooray for my kids!!!!

Rose- faced with a chance this morning for a massive explosion....She chose, with very little prompting, to express her feelings. She also decided...I could be trusted with the control today, without a struggle!

Marie-She has started her first on-going babysitting job...She was responsible and respectful to her new employer and was quite wonderful with her new charge! She did a good job!!!!! YAY FOR HER!

Friday, September 5, 2008

Movies, movies, Movies....I love movies......!

Ok...You all saw my glowing complaints about "Momma Mia" and "Kung Fu Panda"  I have some excellent movies for all of you!  One has some swearing in it and may not be appropriate for very young viewers and the other all ages can watch!

The first movie, I saw due to the brilliance of my husband's desire to make a legacy for our children.  The name is "The Ultimate Gift"  This is truly a fantastic movie and apparently has become a movement around the world.  I truly believe that this is a wonderful movie that the entire family would benefit from seeing!

The second movie, I have found courtesy of another RADical mom!  Thanks, Brenda...What a gift this movie is!  The name of this movie is "Peaceful Warrior".  This movie has so many powerful lessons for everyone...But Radishes truly could learn from the gifts these lessons would give them.  I, as the mom of a RADish, also will benefit greatly from the lessons of this powerfully moving film!....This one does have coarse language and one or two mildly sexual situations.  But there is nothing graphic or truly offensive in this is almost as though, I have a crush on this movie! (hahaha)

Anyhow....I feel inspired and blessed.....I love movies and I really love movies that evoke emotion and thought....So to me, it is wonderful to see movies that are entertaining and also use the powerful entertainment media to challenge me as person...To challenge my belief system in a way, that makes me a better woman, wife, sister, mother, employee...makes me a better human my pedestal now!

be well!


Monday, September 1, 2008

A New School Year.......

So my first daughter....My wisest....and my healthiest daughter is in High School. She is a freshman.... I am 34 and I have a High Schooler in my house.....It is great....! She was up early....excited...exuberant....and busting out of the house....She could hardly be calmed down and kept on the chair while she waited for the time that I would allow her out to the bus stop....A great day for her....She couldn't find her classes, got yelled at by the gym teacher (jerk.....hhahaha) , doesn't have the first clue how to open her locker and she still said that it was the best day ever....I love her zest for life!!!!!

My challenging, potentially sweet, younger daughter who seems to get away with murder. She seems to be able to scam every single adult she meets (her therapist, her dad and me not included) into doing something for her....Had a terrible day....and then when we went to therapy....she didn't want to participate there either!

As those of you that read my blog know....therapy work equals chinese food afterwards.....usually we feel bad and get her a little snack even if she doesn't do the work...but we have finally decided this is not working out for tonight...we went out, had dinner and sat and socialized at the mall with my sister and her Rose starved to death...Did I forget to tell you she had a snack right before therapy at 4:30 and it was only 7:15....We came home, I had her shower and put pj's on, then I gave her a pb&j sandwich and a group of grapes....what kind of mother are you? she said...I looked at her, smiled and said sweetly...."A good one".....

Of course....still not making the headway that we wish we were....but I am still a good matter where she is....she makes her choices....and her choices show me where she is....right now....she isn't in a fantastic place....but ...she is only 11.....she still has time....Moms tell me she still has time=)......

And the therapist is so impressed with how hard she is pushing us away right now...that she wants to spend another hour with us each week....Bonus!

Have a great night....I am not sure where I went or if I even went anywhere in this blog...but that is where my head is....

And my sister and her husband rock...because they are learning how fun the RADical life is and they don't run away, gnashing their love you guys....

Be well...
