Monday, June 2, 2008

Chinese Food Saved My Life!

I am going to really write a book some day that I name this. At the very least, it will force people to pick up the book and read the inside front panel. And then they will be hooked on my charm and massively entertaining way of writing! And do I have stories to share....

Of note, I am not using the correct first names for my children. I think it is only fair that no one can google their names and find them. In a normal circumstance, it would not matter but I will not sacrifice that much of their privacy. Also, they know that I am writing this blog and support me completely. By the way....If it makes them remotely famous...they are totally in favor of it!

When Marie moved in with us, she was an extremely spirited 9 year old. I was a very naive and inexperienced 28 year old first time mom. We were a fun pair. She the queen of scam, me her court fool. (She has learned over the years, I am the Queen and she is my wonderful princess....Chain of command rocks! That is later!)

Back to my rookie year. She had a therapist the moment she moved in. They were not compatible. Nothing was ever accomplished and about two months in she fervently encouraged us return her to DSS. I was aghast and was quite thankful when she told us to find a new therapist. Which was not an easy feat for my spirited child!

Did you hear that I say she was spirited? So after an extensive search we met her therapist, T. T was still an intern but would take Marie on as a patient under the supervision of another therapist. I reluctantly agreed. Marie was briefly hospitalized and quite hostile during her first visit with her new therapist. T opened the door after ten minutes and asked us to leave.

I thought I would die!.... Who gets suspended from therapy....Isnt that why you go to therapy....? Marie was so proud of herself and I wanted to cry.....The next week came....And therapy was at 4:00. Marie wasn't interested in therapy but was totally into what she was eating for dinner. She confidently said " I want chinese food"

So being the brave wack job that I am, I told her if she was nice to T and talked about her feelings....we would buy chinese....


I said yes....My husband was like you can't bribe her.....I was like...Yeah I can! So amazingly enough she talked about her feelings....was nice and well behaved....YES! (I high fived myself in my head)

So she got chinese food AND almost every week since then if she does work in therapy, she gets chinese food. It works with Rose, too. Even in the middle of a full out tirade, if i whisper chinese food, we are back on track. Marie and Rose have talked about some of the most traumatic, horrific things and dealt with the pain to get chinese food....Talk about dedication!....

So that is why I love chinese food....I will always love chinese.....So here is to many more years at the mall food court! Cheers.....

1 comment:

The Schoonmakers said...

What a great story! I think that you are a hero and an inspiration.