Tuesday, September 23, 2008


I have been doing this RAD parenting thing for over five years now. I never had the opportunity to parent a child without RAD. I know nothing but this life that I have. I never had a child that simply did "kid stuff". So when my kids do "kid stuff" I have a hard time deciding whether I need to call the therapist for an emergency session or just think it is a cute thing the darn kid did.

I think it is something I have always struggled with while parenting my children. Sometimes, it isn't RAD. Sometimes, it doesn't mean they will grow up to commit heinous crimes. Sometimes, it doesn't mean they are doing drugs, having sex or committing crimes. Sometimes, it isn't the end of the world.

I also think, I am oversensitive to everything my kids do...What does that mean? Why did they do that? Did you see her say that? Look at her eye movements...What is she saying to me?

Sometimes she is just a moody teen or tween. Sometimes she just wants to hangout with her friends. They just want to be with kids their own age. Sometimes she just thinks I am an idiot because that is her age. Teens suck....lol...Sometimes an eye roll is just an eye roll....

Sometimes....I have to relax and let them enjoy being a kid. Because sometimes....that is just what it is....her being a kid and figuring it all out....I need to chill out!

I may write another blog...But I had to remind myself...RAD is part of my life....Not our whole life.....

Be well!

1 comment:

Unspeakable Joy said...

great reminder and so true! we fortunately did have a few "normal" years with our first (tho also adopted). so we do see some of the "just kids" actions. but it's very hard to differentiate sometimes. and i'm very often over-sensitive as well!